Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov was a scientist and writer known for being the creator of the Laws of Robotics and one of the precursors of the literature of science fiction.

Download the presentation of the fiftieth anniversary of the predictions by Asimov (1964-2014)—Catalan

Useful links for Isaac Asimov — The father of robotics

Asimov Online — Website with information about Isaac Asimov, answers to common questions and synopsis of a lot of his works

World's Fair: Isaac Asimov's predictions 50 years on - BBC — Compilation of some of the predictions of the author published in 1964

Article of his predictions published by the New York Times — Article shown during the oral presentation


1982 Interview (Spanish)

Internet impact according to Asimov (subtitles in Spanish)

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