Gamified activitiesCommercialActivitiesSocial StudiesAdministrativeManagementRemedial lessonsBusinessAdministration& FinanceRenewable energyMarketing andAdvertisingThe LiteratureThiefGamified activitySolve the mysterious disappearance offamous books by different authors.Life on EarthSocial Studies PresentationLearn about the first species on Earth andhow our planet changed for millions of years.Halloween – Its OriginsReflection on a festivityActivities to encourage learning howHalloween became a popular holiday.The LanguagesThiefLanguage Diversity WeekActivityAproject in which students investigate onEnglish-speaking countries and cultures.The mystery of thelighthouseEscape roomJoin this experience in which studentslearn while playing in a unique adventure.New materials will be published in future updates,categorised in different sections.Games &projectsELFARCaféLearn more about this projectcreated during the past COVID-19 lockdown.Welcome to theresources for teacherssection.Learning activitiesin English.This page features activities and differentmaterials for teachers to use in their lessons.Explore several gamified activities,multi-themed exercises, and more!