Whenever you enter a web site and use it, you have to respect a series of conditions so that we all benefit from the contents included in it. That is why the legal information for this website is shown here.
This site is presented as a tool for teachers and students to find information related to the English language and literature. Many resources are available to read online or download, as well as videos and other materials. And the idea is to increase these materials periodically!
All the contents and public services here are available with no cost, so feel free to use everything you need in accordance with the terms and conditions of use of the site detailed below.
You probably want to know how you can use this website for your class, because with so many copyrights and other jurisdictions sometimes we get a real mess. We want to use materials that are the most appropriate for our students, but the last thing we want to do is to violate any law when downloading content from the Internet. That is why right here there are details on how you can use this website without any worries.
All the contents you find on studies.cat are published and maintained by Alexander Ramal Ungria @arungria (also called in this document by the web domain address or simply “owner”). You should not quote me at all! I have to include this information in this section for legal reasons and as the person in charge of the website, but I would appreciate it if you showed that you have extracted the contents from this site, perhaps indicating “Source: studies.cat”.
I am responsible for the contents of studies.cat and its subdomains, blocs.xtec.cat/studies and arungria.github.io, but not of external sites. Most of the contents of the above-mentioned sites are of original creation, with the exception of some of the images, which are the property of their respective owners.
It should be taken into account that these are educational sites and are entirely aimed at the students I've had from the different high schools of the Department for Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya (which is not related in any way to these contents or materials), thus the following applies:
"work" is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
For the reproduction of texts and images on this educational website
we refer to Article 32 of the Spanish Law on Intellectual Property,
which was approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 1996/1 (04/12) and
updated on March 3, 2019.
Several contents that may have been extracted from different sources have their own copyrights and this will be detailed in each case. Please, if you believe that the source of any content is wrong or that it should not be there, contact me.
This website uses the following terms and conditions
of use. If you use studies.cat you agree to follow all of them in
full. If you do not wish to comply with any of these terms,
unfortunately you will not be able to use the site and we reserve the
right to temporarily or completely block your access or even take legal
action. Thus, the terms and conditions of use of studies.cat include
the following:
You can view, download,
save and print all the public content on this site—that’s all there is
to it! This includes using it for personal use or for your class, but
not for commercial purposes. You can also edit the contents to suit and
adapt it to your students’ needs, but indicating that it is based on
materials published on studies.cat. However, I would also appreciate
it if you would take these limitations into account
There has been a great deal of effort behind the materials published on studies.cat, but no one can guarantee 100% that they will be error-free. One can get misled and wrong when writing a word or typing a date, who hasn’t? This is why the materials are provided “as is”, i.e. there is no guarantee of the accuracy and reliability of the resources or of any violation of intellectual property or other rights. Nor is it guaranteed that the site is free of viruses or other harmful components, which is very, very unlikely since we follow strict security rules before, during and after publishing the materials. The owner will not be liable for any damages of any kind that may arise from the use of the contents, materials or other services of the website.
Technical, typographical or photographic errors may lead to changes being made to the contents without prior notice. The accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the materials on the site is not guaranteed, but every effort will be made to provide the best possible service. However, this is not a commitment to update the materials on the spot; I also have classes, meetings, tutoring… and students to look after! And they have a pretty good preference, you know 😜
Ouch! Technology… how well it serves us until it fails. The site should be up and running 99.9% of the time, but we should acknowledge that the Internet is not perfection. Sometimes it may be a server’s crash and it may be the professionals who have to revive the page. But in the case of maintenance that we know of in advance, there will be prior notice of when and how long the downtime of the website will last. This won’t be frequent, though. And because of the processes that apply to this site, server outages should be a big exception, not the rule.
Certain sections mention some trademarks of different companies, which require that they be cited by law for using their names or logos. Thus, iPhone® and iPad® belong to Apple, Inc. Acrobat is owned by Adobe Systems, Inc. Android, YouTube and Google are owned by Alphabet, Inc. and all other trademarks and logos belong to their respective owners.
If any portion of these terms is found by a court to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portion shall continue in effect.
These terms and conditions of use apply to the studies.cat website and constitute an agreement between the user using its services and the owner. These imply the use of the site and supersede all prior agreements. These terms and conditions of use may change at any time, but every effort will be made to provide adequate notice so that changes are known in advance.
Wow! You finally finished reading all these conditions. I hope it wasn’t too much torture and that you understand that these rules are necessary for the site to continue online; now let’s prepare materials to help our students learn!