Martial Arts Opinion Speaking Choose a martial art from the video and start a discussion with your partner. Remember that this should be opinion-based. Below you have got several tips to use in your discussion. Now post your ideas in the following forum! (You might need to join that Classroom with the following code: dsoqqwo) After comparing with your classmates, are your ideas similar to theirs, and is there anything that stood out to you or that you disagree with? You might also find these expressions useful for this activity: GIVING OPINIONS There’s no doubt that… I [don’t] think that… I believe that… In my opinion… The way I see it… As far as I’m concerned… I’m convinced that… The point is that… Evidence suggest that… Available data indicate that… Everything points… It is manifested that… Investigations show that… It seems that… Research concludes that… It appears that… I honestly feel that… I strongly believe that… PROVING DISAGREEING I totally disagree that / with… It may be true that… but… I’m afraid I don’t agree with that. I see your point on… but… I don’t think so. I beg to differ.