Good Old Days

Good Old Days – ROBLOX

Since ROBLOX is now so popular I wanted to look back at how it used to be in the past.

Things have changed so much and I kindly remember my days playing this LEGO-like game as a teen, along with my friends and others.

I just want to archive bellow here some of my experiences and projects so I don't lose them as has happened to me more than once. Here you are:

Notice that there are only a few places and projects. We put a lot of effort into all of these and many more, but some are currently lost or we preffer not to reveal them. The truth in all that, however, is that we had lots of fun!


First initiated as a hangout place named Wonderland, it soon became a meeting place for many. 1dev2 and Playrobot participated in this project.

You can visit the old website here.


In a time when many created their own groups and factions, we arranged everything to organise a group called Worldwide United of ROBLOXians focused on building games for all to enjoy.


This manor was intended to be a haven out of Robloxland.


This place became a

You can visit the old website here.


When ROBLOX and its community started to deteriorate, we created a version of this place in Minecraft and opened up a server. We really enjoyed playing there, as much or more as in the original map.

You can visit the old website here.


Resulting from the continuity of ROBLOX and its several changes, we found that we needed to preserve its original scent (believe me, the game was incredibly great at the moment!). That is why the idea of a museum originated, and we managed to involve a lot of users and creat a great collection of the past of ROBLOX with original pieces from different places since 2006 thanks to the donations of their creators.

The project soon became a reality and we were really excited for this opportunity. The response from the community was incredibly great, and we put our efforts in many departments so we looked into every single detail.

Sadly, game exploits and hackers made it impossible to make the museum available to the general public. The building and some of its floors with permanent works were expected to be released in a grand opening in late July 2011.

You can visit the old website here.


We created this group as a company to deliver a wide range of products to the different users for free, from clothing to models to maps. However, ROBLOX changed its policy towards its catalogue and we had to stop our activities, leaving the game for good.

We have updated our Privacy Policy.